Legal Learning Center

Florida Legal Learning Center

Auto Accidents: Common Causes

Every year, around 6 million auto accidents occur in the United States. The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that 6 million car accidents occur each year, resulting in more than 2.7 million injuries and 36,000 deaths. The majority of these traffic collisions are the result of driver mistake. 8 Big Ones. The majority of car accidents are caused by human error. Every year, millions of auto accidents occur in the United States. Human mistake is thought to be the cause of 94 percent of all traffic accidents. Every driver will, at some point, find themselves thinking about something other than the road ahead of them. While many drivers are unharmed as their thoughts stray, some are not so fortunate. The following are some examples of human errors that are common causes of automobile accidents. Driving While DistractedDistracted driving is one of the top causes of auto accidents each year. Switching between tasks is required whether sending a fast SMS, answering a phone call, or eating a snack. Even though it appears to be innocuous, switching between tasks produces distraction. Unfortunately, even a split second of distraction might result in an avoidable auto collision. Reckless DrivingReckless driving is another significant cause of auto accidents. You may cause an unnecessary auto accident if you change lanes too hastily or tailgate the vehicle in front of you. Maintain a calm demeanor and vigilant when driving. On the road, impatience can lead to calamity. Driving AggressivelyAggressive driving, like reckless driving, can have a slew of

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Florida Motorcycle Crash – How to Avoid

Florida Motorcycle Crash – How to Avoid The Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles website explains the statistics for the 2020 motorcycle crash reports. In total for the year 2020, there were 8,034 motorcycle crashes and 517 fatalities. Based on traffic crash reports there are more motorcycle crashes then bicycle crashes in the state of Florida. Also, the statistics show motorcycle crashes for the year 2020 were higher than the overall total of fatal crashes which were recorded as 3,096. Overall looking at these statistics, the number of motorcycle crashes in Florida is higher than other crashes like bikes and the number is higher than the number of overall fatal crashes in the state.  How do motorcyclist in the state of Florida avoid crashing in the state of Florida? Based on the statistics there is a high number of motorcyclists who are crashing. The website Ride Apart explains the most common motorcycle crashes and how can people avoid them to stay safer on the roads. The website explains motorcycles can be a dangerous riding vehicle on the road, but they can also be a good way to avoid a crash when on the road. Safety gear is an important way to avoid being hurt if a motorcyclist gets into an accident on the roads. Also, bright colors help other drivers on the road to be able to see motorcycles, overall helping to avoid crashes. The website explained how cars are the biggest danger to motorcyclist on the road because it

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Car Accidents – The Effects of the Rainy Season

The state of Florida is known as the sunny state, but it can also be known as the rainy state where every day there is a rainstorm. Some rainstorms are small while others are almost tropical storm like. The website explains there are more than 5.8 million car accidents that happened each year in the United States. 1.2 million of those accidents is due to weather. Each year a weather-related car accident has killed about 5,378 people and 418,000 people have become injured due to weather car accidents. Overall, weather accidents in the United States one fourth of the accidents are due to weather which shows that weather plays a huge part in auto accidents. Especially for the state of Florida where it rains every day that means everyday someone has a risk in becoming in a car accident due to the rain when driving.              The insurance company Geico explains the safety tips for drivers when driving in the rain. The insurance company explains even after it rains there are risks with the roads still being wet. A good tip on how to avoid a crash in the rain is by making sure your windshield is clean having a windshield that covers your sight can make it hard to drive in the rain. It is best to also check your washer fluid and check your wiper blades so you know you would be prepared if a rainstorm happened. Also making sure your headlights work before you get on the

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Attorney Brian S. Brijbag is a Florida licensed lawyer who practices personal injury law.. Serving the Nature Coast of Florida, Attorney Brijbag represents clients in Hernando, Pasco, and Citrus counties. We will help you receive your just compensation if you are the victim of someone else’s negligence. We offer virtual consultation when appropriate and can travel to you. There are NO COSTS UNLESS WE WIN!

Free legal resources in Florida:

  1. Florida Law Help – A comprehensive legal information website offering a directory of all legal aid offices throughout the state. It covers a wide range of legal areas such as Family Law, Domestic Violence, Immigration, Housing, Public Benefits, and more. Visit Florida Law Help for more details.
  2. Florida Rural Legal Services – Provides high-quality civil legal services to address the special legal needs of migrant and seasonal farmworkers throughout Florida. They also offer a virtual legal advice clinic where you can ask questions and receive answers. For more information, visit Florida Rural Legal Services.
  3. Three Rivers Legal Services – Offers free civil legal aid and has been providing such services since 1978. They serve a broad audience, including veterans and survivors of abuse. Their website, Three Rivers Legal Services, contains informational videos and resources on various legal topics.
  4. Legal Aid Service of Broward County – Provides free civil legal services to low-income and otherwise eligible residents of Broward County. You can find more information on their website, Legal Aid Service of Broward County.
  5. Legal Services of North Florida – More details can be found on their website, Legal Services of North Florida.
  6. The Florida Bar – The Florida Bar Lawyer Referral Service is designed to make it easy for consumers to connect to verified attorneys.

These organizations provide legal services and support for various communities in their field. It’s recommended to visit their websites or contact them directly for specific legal advice.

Legal Learning Center 


Brian S. Brijbag, Esquire

The frightening reality is that the likelihood of you getting in a car accident at some point in your life is pretty high. They can be scary – the confusion at the accident scene, the physical pain, and all the phones call afterwards to try and get your life back together. A car accident can certainly be an impactful disruptor of life. That is why it is important to know these 5 things: 

1. What to do 

• Stop your vehicle immediately and position yourself in a manner as not to obstruct other motorists. In fact, leaving the scene of an accident can be a crime. 

• Stay Calm. 

• Call 911 to get help for anyone that is injured. 

2. Get the information included in our “Car Accident Information Sheet” 

This includes the names, phone numbers, and license numbers of all involved including witnesses. The insurance information of all the drivers involved with the make, model, and license plate number of each vehicle. Note the exact time, location, and road/weather conditions. Also note the injuries and damage. 

3. Do not start apologizing 

It may seem like good manners to apologize if you feel you were at fault but this is not the time to practice that particular social etiquette. Simply saying, “I am sorry” could be looked at as an admission of liability if you find yourself in court at a later date. 

4. Get medical attention for yourself 

Many states have specific timelines to seek medical treatment after an accident and missing those deadlines may limit or even invalidate your benefits. Symptoms may not immediately present themselves after a car accident as adrenaline has kicked in making you oblivious to the pain. That is why it is best to see a doctor that specializes in the unique medical needs of post-accident injuries. The things to look for include: 

  • • Headaches and nausea 
  • • Muscle pain or weakness 
  • • Pain in the neck, shoulder, or back 
  • • Dizziness or swelling 
  • • Feelings of fear, anxiety, or depression 
  • 5. Be careful who you talk too 

You may start to get calls from the insurance companies that represent the other drivers. They will want to get details from you that may adversely impact you later. Do not talk to them! Your best bet is to consult 

with an attorney that specializes in these types of cases so they can guide you through the process of being made whole again. 

While we do whatever we can to avoid an accident, no matter how careful we are, the reality remains that one happens every 5 seconds. Do not let the next one be you. To be safe, try and follow these tips: 

  • • Plan your trip before you leave 
  • • Know where you are going and the route you plan on taking 
  • • Know your travel time 
  • • Give yourself plenty of time to get there 
  • • Keep your vehicle well maintained 

attorney spring hill

One of the most important milestones for most teenagers, getting their driver’s license is a big deal and a time of great pride. Being a parent of five children, and having been through the teenage driving period multiple times, I know the worries of every parent – the roadways are a very dangerous place, especially for inexperienced drivers. For Florida teen drivers, car accidents are the number one cause of death as well as a leading cause of injury.

Some the typical errors made by teenage drivers include:

Lack of Wearing a Seat Belt – When looking at statistics involving teenage drivers, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) found that seat belt use among teenagers is the lowest as compared to all other age groups. In fact, in a 2016 study looking at fatal teen car accidents, 58% of the time, the drivers and passengers were not wearing seat belts.

Driving too Fast – That same 2016 study revealed that speeding was a factor in 32% of fatal crashes involving a teen driver. Even for seasoned drivers, excessive speeds increase the likelihood of getting into an accident and also makes a crash exponentially severe.  When it comes to having the ability to make quick decisions and reacting swiftly, that is a skill that comes with experience, something Florida teen drivers lack.

Driving and Drinking – Underage drinking is a problem among our young people, and mixed with driving, it becomes even more deadly. The 2016 study also concluded that in these fatal teen driving accidents, alcohol was an element 20% of the time. Mixture of underage drinking with inexperienced driving skills is a devastating combination.

Peer Pressure – When around other teens, it is well established that they may make decisions that they may not otherwise have made absence the pressure. When driving with other teens as passengers, studies have shown that Florida teen drivers are more likely to engage in risky behaviors. More teens in the car equal even more pressure to do something regrettable.

Driving while Distracted – Teen drivers, due to maturity and inexperience, are much more likely to be distracted by phones, the radio, or something else mores than other drivers. When asked if they have ever texted while driving, 33% of teen drivers stated “yes.” This activity increases the risk of an accident 23 times. A distraction of even a couple of seconds could have deadly consequences.

Doing stupid things – Finally, and particular for young male drivers, teens are much more likely to engage in unnecessary behavior. They may try and mimic the latest social media fad or challenge. They may decide to drag race, do burnouts, or some other type of stunt. Teens may decide it would be fun to drive on the hood or hang out of a window. Even seemingly well-behaved teens could have a momentary lapse in judgement that could result in catastrophic and life-altering consequences.

What Parents can do for Florida Teen Drivers

As parents, we need to make sure our children get as much experience and education of possible about driving. It is important to make the time to allow them to practice so they can understand the dangers of driving. Give driving privileges in stages and have them earn your trust. Talk to them about driving safety. Even if you think “never my child,” you would be surprised how common underage drinking is – make sure they know they can call you for a ride without fear. Lets keep our Florida teen drivers safe.

If your Florida teen driver is in an accident, do not hesitate to call our office at (352) 358-5880. As a Spring Hill Car Accident Attorney, Brian S. Brijbag Esq is here to help your family. It is important to have an experienced personal injury lawyer on your side. Please call for a free consultation.

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