Inverness Car Accident Attorney!

No expense, fee, cost or charge unless we win!

Spring Hill

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Drive Train Spring Hill

Heavy accident, Modern car accident involving many cars on the road

Please note:

An average of 40,000 deaths occur in the United States each year as a result of motor vehicle accidents. The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Traffic Crash Statistics Report spotlights 235,461 cumulative 2010 traffic accidents resulting in 2,444 deaths on Florida’s roadways. In 2009, 1,424 auto collisions and 31 motor vehicle fatalities occurred in Citrus County alone. Car wrecks can happen to anyone at any time of day, just about anywhere. Every year car accidents take many lives and leave millions of people with brain, head , neck, spinal cord, leg, knee and other injuries. The lawyers at Brian S Brijbag, PLLC Law Firm are committed to defending you and the legal rights of your loved one after an car accident.

Law Firm of Brian S Brijbag, PLLC-Based in Inverness, Serving all of Florida-352-358-5880

Your Inverness Personal Injury Lawyer!

The state of Florida has a special law that can legally make compensation available for you or your loved ones who have suffered injury or accidental death in a car accident caused by another driver or reckless behavior. These kinds of damages may include compensation for medical costs, loss of income, psychological issues, pain and suffering, disfigurement, and more.

In Brian S Brijbag s Law Firm , we will determine whether and how comparative negligence could impact your legal proceedings. It is essential that you understand that your award will be determined based on the percentage of fault assigned to you in a personal injury claim where comparative negligence law is applied. Fault proofing is not a simple task.

You would need an effective Florida Auto Accident Attorney to provide well-presented documentation to prove that the driver who caused the crash was the preponderance of negligence.

Beware of talks with a representative of the insurance firm, without a lawyer

It’s worth noting that insurance firms are for-profit companies and therefore insurance agents typically make use of this principle when setting claim amounts for compensation for accidents. Because insurance claims representatives compare their own profits to approved claim amounts of money, they prioritize the quality of settlements.

Of this reason, an experienced Florida Vehicle Accident Lawyer is highly important to negotiate on your behalf and to protect your best interests.

Florida Car Accident Attorneys in treating all sorts of traffic accidents that result in serious injury or death:

  • High-speed collision
  • Rollover SUV
  • Reckless driving accidents
  • Collisions over intersection
  • Tailgating Collisions
  • Highway Collisions
  • T-Bone Collisions
  • Head-On Collisions
  • Side Impact Collisions

Traffic accident injury – Request for a FREE Case review immediately – 352-358-5880 NO COST

Motor vehicle and truck collisions cause the riders, passengers and pedestrians to suffer and injure remarkably. Medical costs, pain and suffering, missed earnings and the failure to enjoy life are imposed upon wounded people. Family members and loved ones are experiencing financial hardship, emotional anguish and partner death. We recognize that even “normal” rear-end collisions will cause you and your family to experience an emotional and physical toll. All car wrecks are significant life events that can bring devastating consequences, including spinal cord and brain injury, permanent disability and chronic pain. It can take months or years to recover from car accidents and while we can’t restore your well-being, we’ll get you in contact with physicians who can and work diligently to insure that you’re justly compensated. We are qualified to speak on your behalf with insurance companies to ensure financially cover your serious injuries. You deserve credit for:

  • The cost, present and future, of medical care
  • The amount spent on outpatient facilities, including physical therapy
  • The cost of medicines and any medicinal products available
  • Fees for modifications made to your vehicle, home or place of work to accommodate temporary or permanent injuries or disabilities
  • The cost of work counseling or potential career retraining

The Three Significant Steps Following Inverness Car Accident

If you’ve never been involved in a serious car accident before, perhaps you don’t know what to do next to protect your rights. Every single case is different. However, based on our experience at Law Firm of Brian S Brijbag, PLLC with helping clients after car accidents, we believe that the three most important steps you should take are:

• Get healthcare. If EMTs did not take you to a hospital immediately, you should seek medical attention at the earliest opportunity. Of fact, if you fail to seek medical attention within 14 days of your accident, your insurance provider can reject your claim for no-fault insurance.

• Get copies of all the records related to the accident. You should keep your medical bills, car repair and rental receipts, and proof of all other expenses associated with an accident. Also, make sure you have an extra copy of your insurance policy and copies of all insurance company e-mails or letters. Receive a copy of the crash sheet, eventually. You can go to the Citrus County Sheriff’s Office which has a station at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue in Inverness or learn more at the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

• Do not speak to another insurance company driver. If you are approached by the insurance provider about any other driver involved in your accident, then you should refer the insurer to Brian S Brijbag, PLLC’s Law Firm. You should refuse to make a statement or consider any offer of compensation before we first review the case.

At Brian S Brijbag’s Law Firm, PLLC, we will provide the legal guidance and advocacy you need after a car accident in Inverness, and pursue aggressively the compensation you deserve.

Your legal recourse after an auto-accident

Florida is a condition with no-fault car insurance. So, if you’re engaged in a crash in Invernessl or elsewhere in Citrus County, your first option is to file a claim for personal injury protection (PIP) benefits with your own insurance firm. You can get those benefits irrespective of who was responsible for the accident. The benefits will cover up to 80% of your medical expenses and jobs missed.

Still, there are limited benefits from the PIP. They ‘re not covering all of your economic losses for example. Also, they do not provide cover for non-economic damage such as pain and suffering. However, if your case meets the threshold of “serious injury,” you may be eligible to file a claim against the driver who is in fault. This claim may result in compensation for all of your losses including pain and damage suffered.

An injury meets the threshold of “serious injury,” if it covers:

• Significant and permanent loss of significant corporal function
• Permanent injury within fair medical possibility (excluding scarring and disfiguring)
• Major and lasting disfigurement or scarring

For example, if you suffer, you could reach the serious injury threshold:

• Traumatic brain injury
• Lesion of the spinal cord
• Fractures causing permanent disability
• Torn ligaments or other forms of weakening soft tissue injury.

If you get support from an experienced lawyer you’ll never know your choices. Law Firm of Brian S Brijbag, PLLC will know how to thoroughly examine your case and investigate every source of compensation available to you.

Common Causes of Car Accidents

When following an car accident in Inverness, and your filing a lawsuit against another driver, you may need to prove that the driver was at fault, or negligent. As we’ve seen over the years, many drivers are engaging in careless or reckless driving which causes crashes. Some of the most important reasons for this are:

• Pace and aggressive (including tailgating) driving
• Distracted driving (including texting or phone-talking behind the wheel)
• Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol (including prescription medications);
• Driving when overly tired (including falling asleep on a wheel).

Unfortunately some drivers in Inverness are more likely than others to cause accidents. For example, teen drivers often engage in risky behavior behind the wheel, while the elderly drivers are involved in a high percentage of crashes. You can also consult with an attorney who can help you manage the complicated problems that occur when you’re involved in a collision with an uninsured, under-insured or hit-and – run driver.

We take prompt action on your allegations about car crash and personal injuries!

At The Law Firm of Brian S Brijbag, we dispatch a private investigator to take photos the automobiles and surroundings at the accident scene as soon as you meet us following your collision. We recognize that in order to prove fault in motor vehicle collisions successful findings need rigorous investigation. We work with investigators side by side to protect evidence, and to find witnesses. We are now working with accident re-builders to determine exactly what occurred at the crash site.

If you have been wounded or have had a family member killed in a car accident in Spring Hill, Florida, contact the Law Offices of Law Firm of Brian S Brijbag, PLLC as quick as practicable to best protect your interests. Our Spring Hill firm offers proud service to individuals throughout Citrus County including sourrounding cities.

The Law Firm of Brian S Brijbag-352-358-5880

Whether you or a loved one is suffering a significant injury or has been killed as a result of another’s unjust actions, then you might have a legal claim for damages as well as seeking justice against the offender. Brian S Brijbag, PLLC’s Law Firm’s Florida Vehicle Accident Lawyers invite you to contact our Spring Hill office to arrange an initial No Cost legal consultation free of charge at our Inverness office.